Thursday, April 15, 2010

Horseshoe Vintage Glass Insulator Candle Holder

Horseshoe Glass Insulator Candle Holder
Here is a new style of Western horseshoe candle holders that I am marketing on Etsy.

As with all of my sculptures the recycled horseshoes are used. I clean them up and give each one a new life.

The finish is an antique leather look. The Vintage Glass insulator has an aqua green color that is enhanced greatly by candle light.

I have some more interesting designs to come so stay tuned....


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Cowboy Horseshoe Sculpture - Walking Back

 Horseshoe Cowboy Saddle Sculpture Howdy
My name is Tom and I guess that's why I call this Tom's Critters.
I started creating the sculptures many years ago , mostly as gifts for friends and family.
I have a sweetie now who is an amazing artist . Liana is her name and she suggested that I try my hand at selling them. Well I've been around long enough to know when something is "suggested " you had better get your butt in gear and do it !!
When I create a sculpture I start with old used horseshoes , sort them out and clean them up.
I believe this gives the piece of work some character. One could only imagine the story each shoe would tell, the miles and trail's traveled not to mention the stuff stepped in !
My goal is to tell a story of western life in each of my creation's . The statue above " Walking Back " tells of a wrangler who has lost his trusted companion and now has to walk back to camp carrying his saddle.
I will be having more sculptures and also a few utilitarian items to show , coming real soon.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Horseshoe Sculpture -The Cow Skull

Hello again...
This sculpture I started about 20 years ago.
My darlin' Liana "encouraged " me to finish it and here it is .
A lot of time and effort went into this piece. It has been so long I have forgotten just how much..
Well at any rate it is now finished and listed.
I really like the finish I have on this , it's an old leather look.
This will probably be a one-of-a-kind , it is very unique.
Reckon I had better get to work on the next creation.
See Ya